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OK, It's On Demand, But By Whom?

Today, MediaPost provided news from E-Poll, an online market research/polling company focused on entertainment, that

"when asked which pricing model they would prefer for an ideal VOD service, more than 75 percent of respondents opted for "free"--meaning no monthly subscription fee and no per-show fee."
Brilliant, and clearly timely, E-Poll went on to highlight the good news that "the same proportion of respondents said they would accept a 60-second pre-roll commercial if it meant VOD were free."

Taken in tandem with statistics from Leichtman Research - providing actionable research on broadband, media and entertainment - on MultiChannelNews that less than 20% of those surveyed would utilize only VOD or DVRs, that 65% of digital-cable customers have used VOD., and backing up today's research, that only 16% of current VOD users would be very likely to pay $0.99 to watch a program on demand.

Add in Comcast's announcement that it is implementing technology to insert "fresh" ads into VOD streams and it becomes clear that DVD dollar levels for VOD programming are a bit off, excepting cash picked up from iTunes videocasts. So, take that revenue out of your business plan for Revenge of the Scary Thing IV.


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